The People have spoken! So, we best give the people what they want!
Last time we last spoke we were just about to leave our beloved Mexico to enter Guatemala! Well, a lot has happened since then, in fact a whole 9 months has happened since then! But you’re going to have to hang on a little longer as Kevin furiously writes day and night to blog about our time in Guatemala, Honduras and Northern Mexico… spoiler alert, it involves a volcano ?
It’s hard for me to believe, but LAST July we crossed back into America. What was supposed to be a brief three-week rapid Lindsey & Kevin tour filled with family and friends, managed to be a 5 month stay in the states. As it would turn out, after returning home we had time to reassess our finances, and it appeared that we had overshot our budget by a long shot. I wanted to blame it on all that tequila, but the reality was we just weren’t being mindful enough of our money. We had to come up with another plan. We were then presented with a free place to stay and jobs (thanks to Kevin’s Mom & Dad). After much conversation, we decided that sticking around the northeast didn’t seem so bad. Neither of us could even remember the last time we were home for the fall season, and it would be great to just stay put (more or less) for an extended period. Autumn did NOT disappoint either – there is just something about a season change that can fill up your cup. Not to mention I got to catch October baseball and see my Red Sox get another World Series trophy!
It was certainly the right decision as we made the most out of our time in New York. We were both able to make some money and maximize our time seeing friends and family. Along the way we certainly had some hiccups (like that Phish festival we turned around for in Honduras that got cancelled just after we had setup our entire campground!) but we were able to make the best of those situations… make lemonade, if you will. I think for both of us, there were times when we were anxious to get back on the road, but we had so many things and wonderful people to keep us busy. Just because our plans had shifted didn’t mean that the adventure had to stop! The time we got to spend in that area meant so much to the both of us and we are so grateful for everyone we got to see in that time! Even as I type this, my smile can’t get big enough reflecting on ALL OF IT! As fantastic as seeing the world is, there is just something about reconnecting with where you come from and spending time with family and friends.
So where does that leave us now? Well we’ve stored Poppins in Florida near my folk’s house and we’ve loaded our packs up with everything we need, and then some. It has certainly taken some getting use to. As you can imagine it is quiet the adjustment living out of your truck to having to carry everything on your back, but there are pros and cons to both types of travel (insert new blog idea!) We picked back up our adventure on February 2nd by flying down to Panama for 12 days before we sailed the open seas to Colombia via the San Blas Island’s and holy cow, talk about a fantastic experience! We then made it to Colombia on February 19th and we’ve been here ever since. Currently, I write to you from Minca – a small BUT LIVELY little mountain town surrounded by rivers and waterfalls. The loose “PLAN” is to travel Colombia until the end of March and then Ecuador, Chile/Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. It didn’t take long for us to pick up where we left off and hit our travel stride. It’s fantastic being back in the land of cheap, delicious food and $1 beers! We already have lots of good stories to share so stayed tune!
Oh! And one last thing! A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who was part of our 5 month American adventure, we couldn’t have done it without you! Seriously, thank you!!!
Below are some photographs from our time back home! Enjoy!

Great to have you for the holiday season ??
Enjoy your new adventures!! Love seeing through your eyes… Have a great time.